Embrace the Slow Times

The busy signal… Remember that sound?? We rarely encounter it nowadays and there are some days that I actually miss it. Why? Because it’s a signal that life is being lived, there’s a world outside of you, and sometimes you have to embrace the fact that you can’t do the thing you want to do […]

How To Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet

Did you know that more than 4.4 million new businesses were created in the U.S. last year!! So many of them are online and/or online-only, which means that business owners today have to be more agile and innovative than ever!  That statistic can immediately evoke feelings of panic and overwhelm because people think “gee, I need […]

Respond > React

There are some days where I want to quit motherhood. Try as I might to get up at 6:20am, spend some quiet time in the Word, take a few sips of coffee while it’s hot, and then get my kids out of the house on time, it RARELY happens as planned. Someone wakes up early. […]

Not For Everyone

Remember the days of dialing #411 to get information? Well put your phone down, friend, cause I’ma drop some Growth Week deets on ya! Walk in: with a goal to launch a new offer Walk out: with everything you need to sell it time and time again (aka an organic marketing funnel!) You, me, and […]


If you’re a FRIENDS fan you know it well — the scene where Ross is determined to get his brand new couch up an impossible staircase. Who does he enlist for help? Chandler and Rachel. Pause here >> Doesn’t everyone know that Monica would’ve been the best woman for the job?! Highly organized, problem-solver, and […]

The One Word that Will Make You Wanna 💩 Yourself

CHANGE.   Change can be exhilarating, life-giving, and also terrifying. It’s like that Frozen song that plays at our house alllll the dang time >> It’s the unknown that gets you spinning! (in a less sing-songy, ice everywhere sorta way) Here’s a thought for you today — We never drift into anything good.    You […]

It’s Time to Focus on Yourself

When is the last time you carved out space to focus on yourself? I had to think about this one for a moment… it’s been about 3 months for me and boy, I can feel it! There’s something special that happens when you take space for yourself. You get creative, dream a little, start thinking […]

You Can Do Things Your Way

Cold sweats. Ever had ’em? I used to get them before interviews, presenting to people, or even jumping on sales calls. I felt entirely consumed by all the details: timing, tech, engagement, outcomes…I can almost feel that anxiety creep back in. Has that ever happened to you? Do you ever feel that way when you’re […]

Which Type of Business Investment Is Right For You

TIME >> it’s our nonrenewable resource, the one thing we covet more of most, and also the best excuse we use when we don’t want to do something. (amiright? 🤫) Train for a marathon. → Sounds time consuming Start a business. → That’ll take forever Get a puppy. → That’s a lot of potty breaks. […]

You Can’t Just Rely on Instagram & Facebook

A crisp yellow-lined notebook, a pen with only half the ink left, and a pair of mittens on a snowy day. That’s how I started my email list. >> No fancy lead magnet >> No fancy funnel with a killer welcome sequence. And you know what? I was freaking THRILLED and proud that I started! […]