I made a 600% ROI on my coaching investments in under two years.
The question: “How did you make leaps and bounds in your business?”
My answer ↓
→ I got rid of all excuses, led with faith, and became my biggest cheerleader.
I had a deep belief that I was called to do more, be more, and give more, and I didn’t let anything get in my way in pursuit of that.
→ I converted busyness, fear, and doubt into my biggest motivators.
I was about to give birth to my second child, and rather than using that as a reason to hold off on starting my business, I used that as the biggest motivator.
→ Rather than operating in scarcity, I believed in the possibility.
I invested over $6,000 on coaches for my business between 34 and 40 weeks pregnant. Then another $16,000 after that.
Rather than getting hung up on money leaving, I wisely invested where I needed help to get where I wanted to go >>> I invested in systems, strategy, PR, branding, accountability, and custom support from someone farther along than me.
HEAR ME when I say that I’m NOT telling you that you have to spend money to make money.
What I WANT YOU TO HEAR is this → You must be abundantly clear, focused, tenacious, resilient, and committed to your goals to be successful at any level. ( And that level is defined by YOU alone. )
That is how you make leaps and bounds.
When you work with me, I am just as committed to your goals as I am to mine. Ready to get started? I’ve got something BIG coming soon.
See you there.
xo, Liz